Saturday 16 May 2009

People, Place and Item


bule: mr policeman.. why you use helmet while you are not drive bike
policeman: my hair bald

mosque not mosquito

peeping at

the text said it all

terminal with a lot of freeman (preman)

*knock knock.. sir do you have any dirty underwear?


luxury 2nd

trees and street.. 1 word missing

mayday..mayday.. ooops sorry this antenna

i never get it why bird like to stand at antenna

hi boss.. wanna eat some chicken porridge?
ok.. make it quick and without nut

the fence that doesn't eat plant

look it's a bird.. no it's UUO.. unidentified unflying object

house for rent.. not the tree

i told you house for rent ok!

i ♥ fresh plants

look at those ants.. hey they are missing

narrow street at back of my house

my favourite mug
go redskins go

Sunday 10 May 2009

Look!! Jack Sparrow

i've take shoots @ rooftop of my home
Sparrow in Indonesian means Burung Gereja.. Burung = bird, Gereja = Church

so it means Church bird :p

bird antena

bird antena2

bird antena3


This becak (pronounced bay-cha, like ya, sure you betcha, only bay-cha.)
Becak was one of the three-wheel mode of transportation that generally were found in Indonesia.

Friday 8 May 2009

Tangerang, West Java

Tangerang is a city in Banten, Indonesia. It is located about 20 km west of Jakarta

Cisadane river

kids are swimming near the Persita footbal basecamp

tangerang great mosque

to be continued...

Kota Toea

ojekers mean people who rent their bike around Kota Tua

bikes for rent

don't know what it is

another cafe @ Kota Tua

Museum Fatahillah

*to be continued...

River Near Kota

river and pedestrian precinct near Kota (old town)

Fabian @ camera store, Pasar Baroe

this my first upload.. and i choose my son. Why? i love kids becuse they are reflecting on happiness. 
And at that camera store, i buy my first semipro camera, Panasonic Lumix FZ 18.
so here i go.. i shoot my son.